Game Performance Index for Retail

View your top performing games across providers and markets


The Game Performance Index page ranks your game launches based on their performance across markets, and providers. 

Game performance is measured based on host of metrics, along with an aggregated variable called 'Index'.

The Index number is generated based on the games' performance across a range of metrics. They include: Median VTP, Median Plays, Average Sessions, Median Sessions, Cabinets and VTP. 

The Index number helps you rank your game launch and determines your top performing games. 

This page contains the following visualisation:

  • Game Performance Index 


Game Performance Index

To evaluate the performance of your games, choose parameters such as Time period, Dimension, and Metric. Additionally, apply filters to gain more detailed insights into your game's performance.

Tip: Toggle between the tabs at the top to get an overview on your top games and recent launches 

How is 'Index' calculated

The index number is an an aggregated variable used to rank your games based on performance. This metric is calculated using weighted scoring of the variables such as Real VTP, Real Plays, Average Total Sessions, Promo Plays, etc.

The index number assigned to each game launch ranges from 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating better game performance. 

To review terms or definitions for metrics across our products, please refer to the Amplifier AI glossary.

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