Game Recommendations: Top Recommendations

Gain insights on your top recommended games and the revenue they generate

The Top Recommendations page allows you to monitor the performance of your top recommended games, comparing player engagement levels for these recommendations. You can also delve into specific ranks to analyse top recommendations for each position

This page contains the following visualisations:

Most Recommended Games

View all your games ranked by the total number of recommendations made to your players. For any chosen time period, you can filter by recommendation ranking for specific games, and apply additional filters that align with your data configuration, such as site and jurisdiction.

Total Stakes of Top 10 Recommended Games

View the revenue generated and staking trends for the top 10 most recommended games within the selected time period. You can also apply filters, including the same options available on the Most Recommended Games.

Tip: For presenting purposes, you can visually isolate the visualisation for highlighting purposes. To select the option, go to Visualisation menu and select 'Spotlight mode'. You can also expand the visualisation as a table, by selecting 'Show as a table' option from the same menu.

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