Measure Impact of award In session and post session
The Overview page helps you to track your return on investment from providing bonuses. You can compare how your revenue uplift is trending against bonus costs and analyse how they are corelated across player groups.
This page contains the following visualisations:
- In Session Award Performance
- Average Stakes 30 Days from Award
In Session Award Performance
This table tracks performance for player groups who have been awarded bonuses during that session. For each player group (target and control) you can monitor in game performance upon being awarded across a number of key performance indicators.
Track KPI such as Unique Players, Total Awarded, Average Spin Number (on which awards were disbursed), average stakes, spins and session length.
Average Stakes 30 Days After Award
To compare impact of the in session awards, this visual provides you with visibility of how different player groups stack up in terms of post-stakes 30 days after disbursement of bonus spins.
Tip: On Power BI, any visualisation can be expanded and viewed as a table, and that data can be exported as an excel file. To export data, hover on the table and click 'Export data' from the three dot icon.
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