Compare your revenue uplifts against your bonus costs by player group
The ROI summary helps you to track your return on investment from providing bonuses. You can compare how your revenue uplift is trending against bonus costs and analyse how they are corelated across player groups.
This page contains the following visualisations:
- Uplift Calculation
- Uplift Summary
Uplift Calculation
Track your revenue uplift, bonus cost and net uplift for the selected time period. You can also analyse revenues across each player group with the following KPI:
Pre and Post Revenue: Pre-Revenue and Post-Revenue are theoretical revenue figures of Total Stakes (within the period defined) x 5%
Expected Revenue: Pre-Revenue of the applicable group x uplift of the Control group
Revenue Uplift: Post-Revenue - Expected Revenue
Net Revenue: Revenue Uplift - Bonus Cost
Bonus Cost = Bonus Stakes x 95%
Uplift Summary
Compare total monthly revenue uplift, net uplift, bonus cost across each month, and analyse trend in Net Uplift % across time.
Tip: For presenting purposes, you can visually isolate the visualisation for highlighting purposes. To select the option, go to Visualisation menu and select 'Spotlight mode'. You can also expand the visualisation as a table, by selecting 'Show as a table' option from the same menu.
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