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Amplifier AI Glossary

Here are the key terms used in Amplifier AI. We'll be updating this as new features are added.

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Active Users

Average Bet 

Bad beat

Bets/ Stakes/ Wager

Bonus Spins 

Bonus Turnover

Churn Predictions

Churn Prediction % - Active Users

Churn Prediction % - Settled Bets


Consecutive Losses

Daily Active Players (DAP)


High-Value Clusters 

High-Value Multi-Session Clusters 

Hit Rate

Key Performance Indicator 

Low-Value Players 

Mid Value Multi Session Players 

Mid Value Players 

Monthly Active Players (MAP)

Month to Date (MTD)

Most Player Increases


New Active Users

New/Retained Player

New Registered Users

Operator Opportunity

Other (reason code)


Player Retention Rate

Promotional Free Spins

Real Money Bets 

Real Spins 

Real Stakes 

Reason Code

Reduction in Activity

Reduction in Frequency

Reduction in Spend


Rounds per Player



Session Length

Session per Player

Share of Turnover

Significant Loss

Spin Banding 

Same Period Last Month (SPLM)

Stake Banding 



Users with Settled Bets


Win Rate



Active Users

The total number of active users who have placed at least one bet in the selected time period. These are users who have placed bets before the selected time period.

Average Bet

Average bet is defined as turnover generated per round. The formula for this calculation is average bet = turnover/rounds.

Bad Beat

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who were predicted churn due to losing a near win bet. A bad beat is defined as a lost single bet with odds lower than 1.25 or a lost accumulator that has more than 3 selections with only one losing selection.

Bets/ Stake/ Wager

Daily Bets: median daily player stake on a game

Total Bets: sum of stakes

Bonus Spins

Bonus spins are assigned to players to encourage more spins. It is the same as Promotional Free spins. 

Bonus Turnover

The turnover per player is calculated based on their usage of bonus spins. This will not be considered as a part of real money turnover.

Churn Predictions

This reason code indicates the total number of churn predictions that were sent to the operator via the API in the selected time period.

Churn Prediction % - Active Users 

This indicates the percentage of users who were at risk of churning in comparison to all the users who have placed bets in the selected time frame.

Churn Prediction % - Settled Bets

This indicates the percentage of users at risk of churning from the total number of users who had a settled bet and no active bets.


Future Anthem splits players into groups using behavioural clustering (unsupervised learning models). Player behaviour is assessed across a variety of attributes including daily game sessions, total spins, total stakes, bonus stakes, and session length.

Anthem uses this method to cluster players by game, by day, to provide a consistent framework, and to compare games.

Consecutive Losses

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who have three or more consecutive losses.

Daily Active Players (DAP)

Daily distinct player count


Gross Gaming Revenue

Formula: Total Stakes – Total Payouts

High-Value Clusters

High-Value players do not usually play as many spins as High-Value Multi Session clusters, however, they place bets of similar average size. They contribute the most to total GGR and NGR due to their sheer player volume, and usually have second highest RTP 

High-Value Multi-Session Clusters

High-Value Multi Session players tend to have the highest number of rounds, sessions, highest bet value, and highest RTP. They are termed multi-session for playing multiple sessions of the same game per day 

Hit Rate

Formula: (spins with payout > 0)/ total spins

Key Performance Indicator

A quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective. For example, revenue.  

Low-Value Players

Low-value players have the lowest contribution to all the metrics compared to other clusters 

Mid-Value Multi-Session Players

Mid Value Multi-session players play fewer rounds than High-Value clusters, place smaller daily bets, have smaller session lengths and less RTP than the High-Value clusters and play multiple sessions of one or more games. 

Mid-Value Players

Mid-Value players play even fewer rounds than Mid-Value Multi-Session players, place smaller bets, or have similar session lengths but usually play one session for the respective game. 

Monthly Active Players (MAP)

Monthly distinct player count

Month Till Date (MTD)

Month Till Date (MTD) stands for values on the latest day of the current month. For example, a column for GGR Month Till Date will show the GGR values accumulated until the current day of the month.  

Most Player Increases

This visualisation in Optimise lists top 5 operators in terms of increase in daily average players on a week on week basis, for the last 7 days.


Net Gaming Revenue

Formula: GGR – Promotional Free Spins Payouts

New Active Users

Total number of new users who placed their first bet in the selected time period

New/Retained Player

New Players: players within their 10 days of tenure (current date – registration date)

Retained Players: all the rest

New Registered Users

Total number of users who have registered in the time period. These are users with newly created accounts who did not place any bets in the selected time period.

Operator Opportunity 

This page in Optimise allows studios to see the total bets placed for each game, for each operator. Values are only shown for games that have been released. 

Other (reason code)

The percentage of users for which churn was predicted and no clear reason code could be identified for churn.


There are many different classifications of players, the is usually unique players as opposed to daily average players.

Related terms: Turnover per player & Rounds per player

Player Retention Rate

Retention rates are derived from a weekly cohort analysis. The analysis considers the return of players on the same game, from the first time the player plays a game.

Standard retention KPIs shown in the report are:

  • W1 retention: average retention rate 1 week across all cohorts
  • W4 retention: average retention rate 4 weeks across all cohorts
  • W8 retention: average retention rate 8 weeks across all cohorts

Promotional Free Spins

Total promotional free spins stakes

Real Money Bets

Total Bets placed without considering bonus bets. 

Real Spins

Total spins without counting bonus spins.  

Real Stakes

Stakes placed without bonus stakes. 

Reason Code

Every churn prediction provides a contextual reason code to enable marketing teams to build tailored player messages, they include:

Reduction in Activity

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who were predicted churn due to a reduction in their betting activity. This reason code is triggered when the number of bets in the last 7 days is lower than the number of bets in the 7 days prior to that (day 7 - day 14)

Reduction in Frequency

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who were predicted churn due to a reduction in their betting frequency. The reason code is triggered when the number of active days (days bet placed) in the last 7 days is less than the number of active days in the 7 days prior to that (day 7 - day 4) 

Reduction in Spend

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who were predicted churn due to a reduction in their spending. Their total stakes in the last 24 hours were less than their average daily stake.


Daily Rounds: median daily player spins on a game

Total Rounds: total number of spins

Rounds per Player

Average number of rounds per player


Return to Player (actual)

Formula: Total Payouts /Total Stakes


Game-session, i.e. if a player plays three different games consecutively we classify them as three different sessions. For the purpose of reporting, the sessions end after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Daily sessions: median daily player sessions on a game

Session Length

Median player session length

Session per Player

Average number of sessions per player. 

Share of Turnover

 The share of turnover is the percentage turnover for the release (based on selections made) against total turnover across all releases.

Significant Loss

This reason code indicates the percentage of users who were predicted churn due to a significant loss. A significant loss churn prediction is triggered when the amount lost by the user in his last bet is 50% or higher compared to the maximum of the 5 previous losses.

Spin Banding

In Optimise, we observe certain KPIs by their volume within specified ranges of spins, or bands of spins. For example, total spins can be arranged into the following bands: <5. 5-20. 20-50. Spin banding allows us to observe how much stakes were placed for these bands for each game.  

Same Period Last Month (SPLM)

Same period last month. For example, the GGR SPLM column will show GGR values on the same day of the month, but last month.  

Stake Banding

In Optimise, we observe certain KPIs by their volume within specified ranges of stakes, or bands of stakes. For example, total stakes can be arranged into the following bands: < £5, £5-20, £20-50. Stake banding allows us to observe KPIs, such as the volume of players who placed bets, within these ranges.  


Tourists contribute the least in terms of NGR and GGR, playing on average one session, placing the smallest daily bets, and tending to have the lowest RTP. But tend to be slightly higher than Low-Value players. 

Turnover per player

This is calculated using ‘daily average players’. At present this value is a median.

Users with Settled Bets

The total number of users who had at least one bet settled in the selected time period and had no active bets after the bet settlement.


Player distinct count

Win Rate

Formula: (spins with payout > stake)/ total spins